In this fast-changing world, we sometimes forget that Mother Nature has been left behind regarding the care it deserves. All of us are responsible including us, the people who work in the office. One of the most important machines in the office is the printing machine. When faced with the laborious task of installing and maintaining a fleet of printers, organizations usually ask for help. The good thing is that print management solutions offer services from installation to maintenance of printing machines. Not only that but managed document services also have corporate social responsibility programs where they offer environment-friendly machines.
In addition, Oklahoma copier solutions manage your printing devices including scanners, faxes, and copiers, and enable organizations to improve their efficiency, productivity, and information security, typically by monitoring usage, replacing consumables, and meeting the organization’s printing needs. Though different managed document services vary by supplier, they can offer many of the following benefits to organizations large and small.
Here are the 10 environmental benefits of managed print solutions:
Save Time and Improve Efficiency
It can be frustrating how you spend time on printer-related tasks and the process of printing, scanning, copying, or faxing documents on old hardware or poorly configured software. Not to mention, the time spent on filing device malfunctions and replacing ink cartridges and toners to consider too. Print management solutions can help you save the time your employees spend on these printer-related problems. This would free up staff time to focus on other strategic initiatives, as opposed to day-to-day maintenance tasks.
Reduce Costs and Save Money
Printing machine maintenance can be costly and the printer setup can lead to inefficiencies in several areas. Maintaining individual devices one at a time is costlier than having automated, cloud-based systems for doing so at scale. Oklahoma copier solutions very often connect all devices to one monitoring system to ensure just-in-time delivery of replacement toners and repairs. It can make better use of economies of scale by allowing you to bulk buy supplies at a discount and also reduce the cost associated with stockpiling unused inventory.
A thorough print audit and assessment can also identify ways to consolidate the hardware because after all, having too many devices scattered around your organization will cost more to maintain and use up space and electricity.
Improve Productivity in the Organization
Print management solutions conduct assessments on the printing needs of your various departments in the organization. After the assessment of the current and future needs, Oklahoma copier solutions should be able to recommend a tailored program for these departments like printing from mobile devices or off-site.
Reduce Capital Expenditure and Improve Cash Flow
The purchasing cost of an entire fleet of devices can be daunting but Oklahoma copier solutions typically offer flexible payment options. There are payment schemes suited for different company demands and even for long-term plans like five to ten years.
Reduce Environmental Footprint
Carbon footprints are now a problem in our environment. Print management solutions help lessen carbon emission problems by reducing the amount of paper, electricity, and print consumables used. With a monitoring system in place as part of your MPS package, you should be able to identify and track levels of print usage. In this way, you’ll be in a better position to intervene and reduce your environmental footprint. Thus, you can show the results of your paper-saving efforts in the corporate social responsibility report.
More Agile
The secret of the most successful organizations is being continuously able to improve their processes to stay ahead. With OneDoc Managed Print Services, you will receive ongoing device and strategic support from experts in the field of workplace technology.
Improve Your Information Security
Managed document services can identify print and IP security risks your organization faces and help mitigate risks with a tailored print security plan. This might include recommending printer sign-in procedures to minimize documents being stolen from output trays. It usually involves waste disposal and document management facilities including installing multifunctional printers with automatic hard drive wiping functionality and network-level solutions to reduce the risk of information being retrieved by hackers.
Almost by default, having just one print provider implementing managed document services reduces the number of people from outside your organization having access to the networked devices. Never underestimate this kind of threat, and be warned that not all MPS providers are the same when it comes to their ability to combat information security threats. It is also important to note that information security requires ongoing audits, improvements, and vigilance and below-par MPS providers are unlikely to offer this.
Positive Environmental Impact
One of the benefits of print management solutions is toner recycling. It helps to decrease wasteful energy and paper consumption caused by printing.
You Are Covered
Managed programs like managed document services have the obvious benefit of removing the fear of the unknown. Compared when you are managing your device, questions like will the toner quality stay the same and will the supplier continue to stock it? Or questions like – will you be able to google how to fix that printer when it breaks or will there be parts available for that model and how long will they stay available?
With managed print solutions, these questions or fearless are removed. You can chill and relax knowing that service, parts, and even toner are all covered under the terms of your agreement.
Increase Device Uptime
In every operation, it is important to have functioning tools and equipment. Stopping to fix something takes away from the resources you need to stay on task and keep productive. With the help of an MPC provider, they will help you keep on track and help you maximize your print environment, and make sure your equipment is not down.
A proactive service team that performs preventative maintenance can help increase the life of your entire print fleet. They should be able to loan your devices as well if the repairs are going to take any length of time.
Final Thoughts
Taking a managed approach to your print environment is a great way to remove the burden of desktop printer maintenance from IT’s desk while helping to control the costs of your fleet’s supplies over time. If you are considering whether or not managed print services are right for your organization, it is important to start with the most important step which is asking if it is not bad for the environment and establishing the baseline of what printers you have in your fleet, how much you’re using then and how much it costs to do so.