Pros of Having Xerox WorkCentre 6515
If you require a color multifunction printer for use in a tiny or micro office that can withstand severe use, it is worth taking a hard look at this...
Printer Review: Xerox VersaLink C405
Xerox VersaLink C405 is one of your equipment options when it comes to having Xerox managed print services in your workplace. But before inking the...
Why Digitizing Paper Documents Is Essential for Your Business
Paper documents are still a vital part of the business world. They’ve been around for centuries, and they still serve as valuable tools. But with...
OneDOC Recognized as an Industry Leader for a Fourth Year in a Row
Based on demonstrated thought leadership and execution of best practices, Photizo Group, the global transformation experts, have selected 13...
OneDOC is a “2016 METRO Top 50”
OneDOC Managed Print Services has, once again, been selected as one of the “Top Metro 50” by the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce. These companies...
OneDOC’s Managed Print Services Model
Kevin Morris, CEO at OneDOC Managed Print Services, is passionate about many things: Oklahoma football, great wine, excellent food and managed print...